ブードゥー教の子: PSY.DR34M5:karmaZqncer |
2017/04-12 | ||
Dreams, Karma, Sequencers, LiveCoding, AudioReactive | ||
'pSY.dR34M5:karmaZqncer' is a live-coding audiovisual performance by voodoochild/. The real-time graphics are coded in Processing and controlled via OSC while the music and sound performance is triggered and coded live from SuperCollider. The performance explores the opposition between clean and wide ambients guided by strong white-noise basslines, and noisy and saturated ambients generated by waveform and sampling manipulation. Visually, the same opposition is explored by the presentation of clean tridimensional structures based on spherical and toroidal coordinates versus bitmap filtering, shaders and rendering operations. The performance search to expose and evidence performative and processual aspects of an artwork which main characteristic have been to be produced through the typing of code, in tension with a conventional human role represented in the guitar player. Description voodoochild/ is a DIY cyberpunk band from Santiago de Chile which only human member is coyarzun, media artist, who is the programmer and bass player. The rest of the band is a chain of software and hardware protocols, usually coded in Processing. The configuration of TTS+MIDI+human+code, has being the constant of the whole project and defines it in an aesthetical and political way. In voodoochild/ the DIY practices are understood as new forms of apocalyptic or urban folklore, with ethical and political implications defining a worldview that, sustained in a critical notion of the technology, questions the current state of things. During 2016, voodoochild/ incorporates for first time live coding practices in its performances and as an auto-learning process in SuperCollider, emerges 'PSY.DR34M5'. During the first live iterations, performance after performance, the code was growing and becoming stable, mutating the way as the improvisation flowed. Searching in this way a layer of guitar bass have been included during 'karmaZqncer' iterations, adding a drone ambient with strong use of minimal delayed looped patterns, allowing to the performer, to alternate between the bass and the type of code. This way, 'pSY.dR34M5:karmaZqncer' is an audiovisual performance where the real-time graphics are coded in Processing and controlled via OSC while the music and sound performance is triggered and coded live from SuperCollider. The image content is a splitted view (or a double projection) showing both the live-coding operation as the filtered visualizations in the other side. Some of the sequences are sent by SuperCollider via MIDI to a chain of instruments composed by a synth, two basslines and a drumkit; while text-to-speech voices and samples textures are played by computer. The guitar bass is filtered using a big muff distortion, a flanger and a delay pedal. The performance explores the opposition between clean and wide ambients guided by strong white-noise basslines, and noisy and saturated ambients generated by waveform and sampling manipulation. Visually, the same opposition is explored by the presentation of clean tridimensional structures based on spherical and toroidal coordinates processed through bitmap filtering, shaders and rendering operations in opposition to the screen of codes and synth definitions and operations. Conceptually, 'pSY.dR34M5:karmaZqncer' search to expose and evidence hiden performative and processual aspects of an artwork which main characteristic have been to be produced through the typing of code, in tension with a conventional human role represented in the guitar player. |
///////////////////////////////////////// 2017 ブードゥー教の子:PSY.DR34M5/karmaZqncer. Live-coding Performance. Diciembre 07: International Conference on Live Coding ICLC 2017; Centro Cultural Clavijero, Morelia, México. Agosto 26: Seminario de Tocatas. Auditorio Las Encinas. Julio 24: Café con Cables 12.3 Posternura Oldschool. Casa de los Diez. Junio 24: Café con Cables Transpiksel. Casa de los Diez. Mayo 06: HELLOwORLD! coded / posternura. Fábrica de Medios. Abril 21: Toda la Teoría del Universo: _Rudimentos. Concepción. ///////////////////////////////////////// |
psy.dr34m5:karmaZqncer live@ICLC2017 from Christian Oyarzún on Vimeo. Toroidal Grid Series: Toroidal Grid Series es una propuesta audiovisual que explora la oposición entre patrón e interferencia, entre orden y caos, entre grilla y luz. Si las matemáticas son el lenguaje de la naturaleza, el código nos brinda una posibilidad de explorar su representación, ya sea como expresión geométrica, física o energética. Toroidal Grid Series es una versión mapeada de ブードゥー教の子:psy.Dr34m5/karmaZqncer. Los visuales son programados en Processing y la banda sonora en SuperCollider. La banda sonora explora la oposición entre ambientes limpios y amplios guiados por fuertes líneas de bajo de ruido blanco, y ambientes saturados y ruidosos generados por manipulación de waveforms y samples. Visualmente, la misma oposición se desarrolla a través de la presentación de estructuras tridimensionales limpias basadas en coordenadas esféricas y toroidales versus filtros de bitmap, y operaciones de shader y render. A modo de guión puede considerarse la siguiente pauta de recursos: 00 tune : sinusoidal frequencies / dot structures 01 brownie : brown noise percs / toroidal cardioid 02 warpWidow : warp samples / glitch / hsb xtreme 03 egg : peaceful bass / hairy cardioid 04 cardioid : sticky bassline / toroidal dna 05 toshimiYeah! : heartbeat bassdrum / voices / core 06 light (karmaZqncer) : 4 on the floor / bassline / light toroidalGridSeries @kuzeFest ( 2017 ) from Christian Oyarzún on Vimeo. |
http://www.error404.cl |